Friday, May 2, 2008

USA Today ad

I know that people have a lot of leniency with what they say/imply about celebrities, but I was wondering what you thought about this:

Apparently mug shots are in the public domain, but I can't help but think this was pretty tacky. It just screams "I lack creativity but still want a lot of attention."

Plus the graphic design sucks. The end.


Ka Bao Lee said...

I heard about this story and was thinking "can they do this?" Although her mug shot is in the public domain she is a celebrity and her image can sell a lot of services, so can she sue them for using her image? Or did they get permission?

I think the ad itself is pretty bad too. The design is pretty much just centered text and photos. At least make it more creative...

thepplway求真 said...

well done be careful the Republican Party will be make the same tactic:
Osama Bin Laden's tape

Please take care ,this is the most important thing that Bush 's turning point at last election.

keep going on !