Sunday, February 3, 2008

Ads too obscene?

As I was reading through some news Web site I came across this gem.

Apparently a Abercrombie & Fitch store had two in store displays confiscated by police and the manager was given a citation for obscenity for the displays.

I guess that answers some questions talked about in J-School classes concerning whether or not ads are becoming too sexually charged.


Vanessa de Bruijn said...

I have a feeling if these were girls this wouldn't be a big issue. I mean, why is one kind of cleavage ok but not the other?

Katy Culver said...

wow, fascinating point, vanessa. i hadn't thought about it that way. why do you think we view women differently?

Heather said...

I think ads are getting ridiculous though. I was just in the store Ruehl in Shaumburg, and the biggest picture in the store had a girl sticking her hand down some guys jeans (most likely Ruehl jeans). What does that have to do with clothes? Isn't there a better way to allude to sex, rather than just showing it?